Fireflies are everywhere, at most universities and schools due to being the ideal boat for Team Racing.

Our aim is to support your university, school, club or centre to ensure consistency throughout all the Firefly fleets, making it easier for new people sailing the boats and ensuring the boats are a...

10/01/23 11:13 AM - Comment(s)
Fevas are popular across clubs, centres, and schools and are also increasingly proving to be a good choice for Junior Team Racing. 

Our aim is to support your club or centre to have consistency throughout all the different fleets of boats you may keep. Our new Feva Pre-Cut Rope pack therefore ma...
06/12/21 03:24 PM - Comment(s)

Following a series of discussions on Facebook about the relative challenges of wearing a face covering while sailing. Keith had a fun morning with James Oborne (Spinnaker Sailing Club's Chief Instructor) to experience first hand what it could be like to wear different types of face coverings when sa...

08/10/20 02:07 PM - Comment(s)
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